Crispy Sardines Country of Cuisine: Portugal | Date Added: 19 Mar 2011

Serving Size, Ingredients and Equipment:

For two portions:
<br>- 1 tin sardines in sunflower oil
<br>- 1 clove garlic, minced
<br>- 2 tablespoons butter
<br>- 1 teaspoon chopped chives
<br>- 1 teaspoon hot paprika

Cooking Instructions and Methods:

Melt the butter in a sauce pan, the add the garlic, chives, and paprika. Stir once.
<br>Heat an iron skillet on high heat, then turn down to medium-high and add the sardines, leaving space between them.
<br>Cover with the lid of a pot and pan-fry for 3 minutes on each side until crispy.
<br>Place on your serving dish and drizzle the butter mixture over them. Serving these luke-warm is fine.
<br>Options: For more crispness, you can fry the sardines in a wok after rolling them in flour. You can start with fresh sardines to do this. Roll them in flour and fry them in peanut oil. For a more earthy herb flavor, add some thyme to the sauce.