Beef Goulash Country of Cuisine: Hungary | Date Added: 18 Mar 2012

Serving Size, Ingredients and Equipment:

This dish is great for coming home on a winter's night and reading a book while your goulash slowly cooks. The liquid from the beef and onions releases to make a delicious gravy. Put a bit of it on some patotoes or rice and you're set for a comfortable meal. You can use a cheap cut of beef for this and it will still come out tender. If the goulash gets too think, add some water.
<br>For 4 portions:
<br>- 300g cubed beef
<br>- 2 tablespoons butter
<br>- 3 large white onions, chopped into wedges
<br>- 1 toe of young garlic, minced
<br>- 2 tablespoons sweet paprika
<br>- 4 tablespoons sour cream
<br>- 300 ml water
<br>- 1 teaspoon salt
<br>- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
<br>- 1 small bunch chopped parsley
<br>- noodles (such as green linguini noodles or elbow macaroni), rice or potatoes
<br>Music for this recipe:
<br><iframe src="" width="528" height="140" style="border: 0px none;"></iframe> <p class="_8t_embed_p" style="font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px;"><a href=""></a></p>

Cooking Instructions and Methods:

Start with some beef, cut into small pieces. Coat the meat with the paprika and then sautée it slowly (covered) in the butter until all the liquid comes out.
<br>Now take the meat out of the pan and sautée the onions in the juice…really slowly (covered). Add the garlic. Cook the onions until they are pretty much gone. A slow, bubbling roast. You can add a little bit of flour to thicken the sauce if you would like, but don't add much or it will greatly muddle the flavor.
<br>Return the meat to the pan, add the water, simmer, and then add salt and pepper to taste. Serve it up over noodles. Garnish with sour cream & parsley.
<br>Options: add some green peppers with the onions. Leave out the garlic if you prefer a pure onion taste.