Mediterranean Deep-Dish Flan

Serving Size, Ingredients and Equipment:


- 1 round baking form / tarte form, 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter

- dried beans or peas for weighting the crust while baking


- 90g / 3.1 oz butter, sliced into pieces

- 250 g / 9 oz flour, additional flour for dusting

- 1 egg yolk

- 1 tablespoon water

- 125g high quality black olives (the star ingredient of this recipe), pitiless and cut into rings

- 2 tablespoons olive oil + more for coating

- 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

- 6 small tomatoes, chopped (the second star ingredient of this recipe), skins removed

- 3 large onions in fine, thin rings

- 2 tsp maple syrup

- 1/2 handfull of loose, ripped basil leaves

- 220g strong-flavored Swiss cheese (German Emmentaler), finely grated

Cooking Instructions and Methods:

Heat oven to 220°C / 430°F.

Cover the inside of the baking form (you might use a brush) with some olive oil and coat with a uniform dusting of flour.

Knead the 250g of flour together with the pats of butter until fine, crumbly texture develops. This should take about 30 seconds.  Mix the egg yolk and water together and add to the dough. Knead for another 30 seconds.

Form the dough into a ball on a lightly floured surface, wrap in wax wrap and chill for 30 minutes.

While the dough is chilling, prepare the filling: Mix the 2 tbsp olive oil with the 2 tbsp mustard.

Roll the dough to cover the sides and bottom of the form and cover with baking paper. Fill with beans / peas and bake for 15 minutes.

Remove from oven, remove baking paper and beans / peas and let the crust cool.

Spread the mustard mixture on the base of the crust.

Heat butter in a pan and cook the onions and tomatoes until soft (this is important). Remove from heat and drain all liquid. Spread this as your next layer on the crust base.

Add the next layer: olives, maple syrup and ripped basis, mixed together. Top with the grated cheese.

Bake for 20 minutes until crisp and brown.

Let cool somewhat, cut and serve.

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