Seared Tuna

  • Seared Tuna

Serving Size, Ingredients and Equipment:

If you have access to line-caught, sushi-quality tuna, it is best to cook this amazing meat like a steak. Don't freeze it, as tiny ice crystals will cut through the fish's fibers and ruin the texture. Use the meat within a day or two, before a bacteria film can build on its surface.

Ingredients for each portion:

- 1 tuna steak, sliced finger-thin (or carefully slice yourself with a sharp knife)
- freshly ground black pepper
- two dashes of olive oil
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, white wine vinegar or sushi vinegar
- seasonal vegetables such as asparagus, cherry tomatoes, and yellow peppers

Cooking Instructions and Methods:

Heat a pan to medium-high heat for searing.

Brush or spray both sides of the tuna with olive oil.

Sear the tuna for about a minute on each side. The inside of the tuna can remain raw (as long as the tuna is of proper sushi quality).

Sear some vegetables in a separate pan and toss with a dash of oil and the vinegar before serving with the tuna.

Serve the tuna with freshly ground black pepper and some extra vinegar (on the side, if you prefer).

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